Tuesday, December 18, 2018



                                    FOREVER "ALL IN!"

“…that they might KNOW…..the only true God and Jesus Christ…” (John 17:3).


Learn something about God’s love every day. It is rich, engulfing, majestic, Holy and bestowed upon you unconditionally from the depth of God’s heart. “…There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life…” (John 15:13 NLT).… [Nothing]…will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Romans 8:31-39 NASB). He has “….loved [you]...with an everlasting love….” (Jeremiah 31:3 KJV).

There is NONE like God and there is NO love greater than God’s love. “…there is  none like unto thee” (Jeremiah 10:6 KJV). “…There is no greater love …” (John 15:13 NLT).

Let me give you a very brief synopsis of what I have personally learned of God’s love.

God’s love covers over a lot of offenses. His love is fully forgiving and doesn’t keep a record of another person’s wrongs towards him.

God’s love is enduring. God’s love suffers long, because God deeply desires to give you a chance to get it right with Him.

God’s love is faithful and loyal. God’s love makes a sacrifice and therefore is costly.

God’s love continues, even if it does not receive anything in return. God’s love does not come with a wage attachment, where you have to somehow earn it.

 It does not come with a partiality tag, where you somehow have to be worthy of it. It does not come with a merit tag, where somehow you have to be deserving of it.

God’s love is free towards the recipient of it and will not demand anything in return.

God’s love won’t change, even if the recipient changes, walks away, rejects it, follows after another,  is unfaithful, offends,  abandons, or totally forgets about His love altogether.

God has experienced the loss of his “OWN” people’s love for him, the replacement of their love for him with something else, and the complete separation or divorce of their love from him.“… [YOU]… FORGOT all about ME,” says the Lord…” (Hosea 2:13 NLT). “… you became proud and FORGOT ME….” (Hosea 13:6 NLT). “…for years on end my people have FORGOTten ME” (Jeremiah 2:32 NLT).

“…They ABANDONED ME and did not obey my word….” (JEREMIAH 16:11 NLT). “…They ABANDONED the Lordthey turned their backs on him….” (2 Chronicles 29:6 NLT). “…The Lord replies, “This has happened because my people have ABANDONED MY INSTRUCTIONS; they have refused to obey what I said….” (JEREMIAH 9:13 NLT).

“… their heart is far from me…” (Mark 7:6 KJV). “…Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retaineth not his anger for ever, because HE DELIGHTETH IN MERCY…” (Micah 7:18 KJV).

 …God has said “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you…” (Hebrews 13:5 NIV). “…If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is…” (2 Timothy 2:13 NLT). “…God is love…” (1 John 4:4-8 KJV).

 “…Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments…” (Deuteronomy 7:6-9 NIV). “… The … FAITHFUL love of the Lord, [for you], NEVER ENDS...!”(Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT). “…I am the Lord, I change NOT…” (Malachi 3:6 KJV).  

… [Nothing] … will be able to separate … [you] … from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:31-39 NASB). “…God is love…” (1 John 4:4-8 KJV). God, through Christ, has “….loved [you]...with an everlasting love….” (Jeremiah 31:3 KJV).

This is the kind of love God has for you. God will never go against his nature of Divine Love. “… he remains faithful [in his love for you], for he cannot deny who he is…” (2 Timothy 2:13 NLT). “…God is love…” (1 John 4:4-8 KJV).

Love is who God is at the core of His being. If there were spiritual DNA, love would be God’s DNA.

Further, God’s ways of loving are not our ways of loving and His thoughts of love are not our thoughts of love. God’s ways of loving are higher than your ways of loving. “… [My]… thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…..as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts…” (Isaiah 55:8-9 ASV).  

God is always pursuing man and man is too often running away with his or her idols and adulteries. “… for years on end my people have FORGOTten ME” (Jeremiah 2:32 NLT). “…They ABANDONED the Lordthey turned their backs on him….” (2 Chronicles 29:6 NLT).

Mankind’s reasons for allowing distance between themselves and God are no different than that of Adam and Eve’s. “…But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward” (Jeremiah 7:24 NLT). But the people replied, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to, stubbornly following our own evil desires” (JEREMIAH 18:12 NLT).

It is a great possibility that you have been deceived by the enemy too and have “fallen away” from the loving God. you have left your first love (god, the holy spirit)…”  ... you have been cut off from Christ (THE WORD, THE INDWELLING SPIRIT, ETC.)! You have fallen away from God’s GRACE (FAVOR)…” (Galatians 5:4 NLT & revelation 2:4 NASB).

God didn’t put you away, force you away, lose you, or leave you; YOU have “CHOSE” to fall away or leave HIM.

The further away you are from God, the easier it is for the enemy to broaden the distance in the intimate/oneness relationship. “…Don’t do as the wicked do, and don’t follow the path of evildoers. Don’t even think about it don’t go that way. Turn away and keep moving (Proverbs 4:14-17 NLT). “…The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who CHOOSE that way. …” (Matthew 7:13-14 NLT). “…THE WAY is narrow that LEADS TO LIFE, and there are few who find it…” (Matthew 7:13-14 NASB).

God loves you so much, even when you blame him for all the evil in the world and yet participate in the evil yourself.

God loves you, even when your ways move you away from him and you shut him completely out of your life. Ouch. God would still say to the backsliding sinner that even though you betrayed me; if you want another chance; I will heal your unfaithfulness (Hosea 14: 4). “ ... Return ... to the Lord ... [YOUR] ... God... [AND GOD] ... will heal [YOUR] ... apostasy ... [AND] ... will love [you] freely..” (Hosea 14:1-4 NLT).

God never gives you up on loving you. “…Who will separate us from the love of [Christ? … [Nothing]…will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Romans 8:31-39 NASB). He has “….loved [you]...with an everlasting love….” (Jeremiah 31:3 KJV).

In other words, God doesn’t stop LOVING you ever, but he does yield to your stubborn desire to willfully sin. “... But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts...” (Jeremiah 7:24 NLT). But the people replied, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to, stubbornly following our own evil desires” (JEREMIAH 18:12 NLT).

“...The Lord said, My [Holy] ...spirit shall not always strive (make every effort, struggle) with man…” (Genesis 6:3 KJV). “…They DID NOT like to (choose to) retain God in their knowledge, GOD  (the Holy Spirit) GAVE THEM OVER to a reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28 KJV). “… I will remove thy candlestick out of his place…” (Revelation 2:5 KJV).

Nothing hurts worse than loving someone who says they love you, yet continually choose something or someone over you. God’s love will still continue and endure through the apostasy of backsliders. “... [Nothing]…will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Romans 8:31-39 NASB).

What an awesome, incredible love!!!! Nonetheless, God’s GREAT love cannot STOP the apostasy of backsliders if they CHOOSE to continue to PRACTICE a sinful lifestyle. “... But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted...” (Jeremiah 7:24 NLT). But the people replied, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to, stubbornly following our own evil desires” (JEREMIAH 18:12 NLT).

 God’s love also takes responsibility for evil (apostasy)by saying, “….I… create evil…” (Isaiah 45:7 KJV).

Let me explain this a little as I understood it. After people have raised their children, eventually they become independent of their parent’s moral teachings.

If they choose to reject the moral teachings of their parents; the grown child will have to deal with whatever consequences, by take responsibility for whatever they do. The only thing parents can honestly say is, “I created that child or gave birth to them.”

The grown child choose to fall away from the moral teachings they had been taught and now they must suffer the consequences.

They used their human will to stray away from the safeguard of their parent’s moral teachings. The same thing happens when God’s children stray away from the safeguard of his Word and Holy teachings.

Thus, the further you are away from God’s righteous teachings, the further away you are from God’s protective care.

When grown, human children stray from their moral upbringing sometimes the parents are blamed; just like people blame God for the evils of the world.

However, the right perception is everything.

Evil is not a person or thing; it is the absence of God. Just like darkness is the absence of light and cold is the absence of heat. Evil is the absence of God.

At one time, Adam and Eve had the freedom to be good, pure, and holy and full of the Spirit of liberty. There was no need to live independent of God’s ways.

Adam and Eve’s indwelling spiritual freedom empowered them to respond to God’s Holy ways until they choose independently to follow Satan’s ways instead.

Therefore, God takes responsibility for creating evil since he created MANKIND. “….I… create evil…” (Isaiah 45:7 KJV).

God created mankind whose “freedom to choose and respond” distanced them from him and from his presence. Evil is the absence of God. “… I am the light of the world..." (John 9:5, 8:12 KJV). “…The Light which … enlightens every man” (John 1:19 NASB). “….Apart from ,,,[you]… can do nothing you cannot be light)…” (John 15:5 NIV). ).

Adam and Eve were originally created to “freely choose and respond” to both the natural and supernatural life around them.

When you accept Christ as Lord and Savior your “ability to respond” freely to ALL of life is restored. “…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (RESTORES YOU AGAIN)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV). “…The Light which … enlightens every man” (John 1:19 NASB).

God wants you to freely respond to him out of love and not out of force, or obligation, or legalism. “…Choose you this day whom ye will serve….” (Joshua 24:15 KJV).

Love that flows, when a person freely and willfully chooses it, is usually authentic.

Would you want someone to love you out of obligation, force, or duty?

That’s why God restores, opens, and frees your ability to respond and thus frees your will. “IN” Christ, you now truly have” free will”.  “…Who will free me from this life (or human will) that is dominated by sin?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord…(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “…If the Son therefore shall make you free, you SHALL be free indeed…” (John 8:36 KJV). But, “….Apart from [the indwelling spirit],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).  

A “free will” is a will that can respond to the natural and supernatural world.  It once was easy to do both, but now it’s impossible to respond to the supernatural realm of God. “…The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to [the sin nature]. …I don’t really understand myself, for I want to [be holy] …but I don’t [allow myself to depend upon God’s indwelling Spirit]... Instead, I do what I hate. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is [the sinful nature]… living in me that does it.  And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to [be holy) … [which]… is right, BUT I CAN’TWho will free me from this life that is dominated by [impurity and unholiness]?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). 

“…The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord…(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you SHALL be free indeed…” (John 8:36 KJV). “….Apart from [the indwelling spirit],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).

Believers have the freedom right now to respond to the natural and the supernatural realm through faith. Thus, they can depend upon the indwelling Holy Spirit or they can remain limited to depending upon the flesh. “... [You have been] made free from sin….” (Romans 6:18 KJV).“…Because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death (spiritual death) …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). “…God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son....” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).

How have you started responding to God’s holiness or are you still responding to ongoing sin? Are you distance from God or are you in a YADA relationship? “…So I say, let the Holy Spirit (IF you have the indwelling Holy Spirit) guide your lives ...the [ indwelling Holy] Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature (body) desires. These TWO FORCES are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. …” (Galatians 5 NLT). “... Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him...” (Ephesians 4:8 NLT).

If God has restored your ability to respond freely to his truth, like Lydia, then it’s YOU and not God creating the distance. “... A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul” (Acts 14:16 NASB). “…[You choose] ... this day whom ye will serve….” (Joshua 24:15 KJV).

It is easy to judge God for everything that goes wrong in life, but you are finite and God is infinite. You can’t always understand his supernatural, loving, and divine ways “O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor?” (Romans 11:33-34 KJV).

God does things from a Holy perspective and not a human one. Many things God does makes no sense to the human understanding. “...[His] ways are higher than your ways [and His] thoughts than your ways...” (Isaiah 55:9 KJV).

A relationship with God will always take you BEYOND human understanding. “…NOW UNTO HIM THAT IS ABLE to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or THINK, according to the power that worketh in us…” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV).

God does not want his relationship with you to be limited by human, finite understanding. The bible says,Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight (human understanding). In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

When God makes no “human” sense Jesus says, “…..be not afraid….only believe” (Mark 5:36 KJV).

When God works in your life or answers you, your human understanding can often limit or hinder you if you allow it to. “Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh within us…” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV).

Sometimes you must, “…only believe” (Mark 5:36 KJV). And except …his ways [are]… past finding out…” (Romans 11:33-34 KJV).

It takes faith or dependency upon the power of his Word. You won’t always humanly understand his Holy ways or what he may be preparing for your life. “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9 KJV).

Everything God does is Holy and righteous whether you agree or not. “… I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation…Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. …” (Daniel 4 NIV).

Therefore, if God allowed for mankind to freely respond or answer life as he/she chooses, it is God’s prerogative and no one else’s. “…[You choose] ... this day whom ye will serve….” (Joshua 24:15 KJV).

Even though God says he created evil; he is actually saying he created YOU. You are not evil per se, but your ability to choose and respond to life often reveals a sinful nature that houses an evil heart; “…out of the heart come evil thoughts… (Matthew 15:19). “…When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality (etc.)…anyone living that sort of life WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. …” (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT). But the people replied, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to, stubbornly following our own evil desires” (JEREMIAH 18:12 NLT).

Evil is not a person or a thing; it is the absence of God. An evil heart is absent of God.

Adam and Eve ate the apple, the relationship between them and God changed, and immediately their “eyes were opened,” to the ABSENCE of GOD, the Holy Spirit.

God said, they would surely die or become absent of his Holy Spirit of LIFE. “... THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). “.... At that moment their eyes were opened” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT).  “…[Their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God [the Holy Spirit of LIFE]…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV).  “…the body without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV).

As you can see, immediate death was not, simply, a physical death where the soul is separated from the body, but it was the spiritual death where the “Holy Spirit” is separated from the body and soul.  

Adam and Eve had a body, soul, and Spirit, but the Spirit separated. They were originally created in God’s “image”, but were now corrupted, marred, and limited to merely a sin nature (body and soul), which falls short of the glory of God or is separated from the indwelling Holy Spirit. All humanity is born with the same problem. “…the wages of sin (payment for having a sin nature) is death…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV).

Your soul and body is dead when God’s Holy glory (Holy Spirit) is not present. I will use an analogy that helped me understand this better. “…the body without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV).

When you blow up a balloon it is full of air, but if you let the air out, the balloon becomes deflated. The balloon is still available, but is useless or dead until someone fills it up again.

God told Adam and Eve they would “surely die” “... THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). Their spirit or “spiritual balloon” per se became immediately deflated or dead and useless. “…[Their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God [the Holy Spirit of LIFE]…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV).  

Therefore, just like Adam and Eve, every man or woman born, into the world, without God’s Holy Spirit is spiritual dead or deflated.  “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…the body [and soul] ... without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV).

Your soul and body is dead when God’s Holy glory (Holy Spirit) is not present. I will use an analogy that helped me understand this better. “…the body without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV).

God is Life and anyone separated from God is “…dead in trespasses and sin” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV).

However, like a balloon can be filled with air again, spiritual death can be reversed when you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. “...For Christ also died for sins ONCE for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;” (1 Peter 3:18 NASB).

God makes you spiritually “…alive with Christ…” (Colossians 2:13 NIV).

There is nothing you can do on your own to be restored to the original glory or reverse spiritual death; only God’s mercy and grace can save you through Jesus (Titus 3:5). “… [YOUR] … iniquities (sin) …separated [YOUR]… from God… …” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and BELIEVE IN THINE HEART that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be SAVED” (ROMANS 10:9 KJV). “…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (RESTORES YOU AGAIN)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV). NLT). “…The GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ.” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “… [He sent the] …one … who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT).

God spent the whole Old Testament trying to restore the relationship with his people through prophetic messages and warnings. “… my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward” (Jeremiah 7:24 NLT). ... the people replied, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to, stubbornly following our own evil desires” (JEREMIAH 18:12 NLT).

“…Jeremiah, say to the people, ‘This is what the Lord says: “‘When people fall down, don’t they get up again? When they discover they’re on the wrong road, don’t they turn back? Then why do these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do the people of Jerusalem refuse to turn back They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around. I listen to their conversations and don’t hear a word of truth. Is anyone sorry for doing wrong? Does anyone say, “What a terrible thing I have done”? No! All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse galloping into battle! Even the stork that flies across the sky knows the time of her migration, as do the turtledove, the swallow, and the crane. They all return at the proper time each year. But not my people!... they have rejected the word of the Lord... they [are not] ... so wise after all? ...” (Jeremiah 8:20 NLT).

The people’s sinful responses caused distance or exile between themselves and God, the Holy Spirit, but HIS faithful love and mercy rescued them over and over again. “….If they sin against youyou might become angry with them and “let” their enemies conquer them and take them captive to their land far away or near…” (1 Kings 8:46 NLT). “…They defiled themselves by their evil deeds, and their love of idols was adultery in the Lord’s sight. That is why the Lord’s anger burned against his people, and he abhorred his own special possession. He handed them over to pagan nations, and they were ruled by those who hated them. Their enemies crushed them and brought them under their cruel power. Again and again he rescued them, but they chose to rebel against him, and they were finally destroyed by their sin” (Psalm 106:39-43 NLT).

 “…. Again and again he rescued them, but they chose to rebel against him, and they were finally destroyed by their sin. Even so, he pitied them in their distress and listened to their cries. He remembered his covenant with them and relented because of his unfailing love. He even caused their captors to treat them with kindness. Save us, O Lord our God! Gather us back from among the nations, so we can thank your holy name and rejoice and praise you. Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives from everlasting to everlasting! Let all the people say, “Amen!” Praise the Lord!” (Psalms 106:42-48 NLT). “…He remembered his covenant with them and relented because of his unfailing love” (Psalms 106:42-48 NLT).

“…[In HIS] ... love and in His mercy He redeemed them (again)…” (Isaiah 63:9 NASB). “…I am the Lord, I change NOT…” (Malachi 3:6 KJV).

Mankind’s inability to freely respond to holiness and righteousness became the enemy of the “oneness” relationship with God. “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “….I was born a sinner (I was born without the indwelling holy spirit) ….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT).  “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. …I [am] …a slave to the sin (a slave to the sin nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…the wages of sin (the payment of having a sin nature) is death…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV).

Freedom implies man is not oppressed by anything. However, freedom in Hebrew, according to Strong’s dictionary, means freedom from oppression. “…I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…Who will free me (DELIVER ME) from this life that is dominated by SIN (Oppressed by THE SINFUL NATURE)  (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord (indwelling Holy Spirit)…(Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “… [JESUS CHRIST, the WORD of GOD]It is the power of God at work , saving (FREEING FROM SIN) everyone who believes (DEPENDS UPON THE POWER OF HIS WORD, holy spirit)” (Romans 1:16 NLT).

Mankind’s freedoms are NOT free from the oppression of sin or the sin nature. “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV).

 In addition they can’t make themselves right with God through human effort. “…It is the SPIRIT who gives “LIFE”; the flesh profits nothing…” (John 6:63 NASB). “…a right relationship with God …comes by faith…” (Romans 4:13 NASB). “….Apart from [the indwelling spirit],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).  

In addition, “…the whole world lies under the power (oppression) of the evil one” (1 John 5:19 RSV). “... Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death (oppression), or of obedience unto righteousness (freedom)?” (Romans 6:16 KJV).

Without Jesus, no human is FREE from the oppression of sin, but are in fact under the oppressive control of Satan, the evil one. “…If the Son (Jesus, the Word) therefore shall make you free, you SHALL be free indeed (without a doubt!!)…” (John 8:36 KJV). “….Apart from [the indwelling Spirit of liberty],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).  

This relationship between God and mankind is rightfully God’s to enjoy. God created the relationship and is rightfully the Husband/owner of ALL humanity. “… AS MANY as received him, to them GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE “SONS” OF GOD (children of God)…” (John 1:12 KJV).  “... [THEY BELONG TO CHRIST JESUS” (Ephesians 3:6 NLT).  “…Those who BELONG TO Christ Jesus …” (Galatians 5 NLT

God’s children are the ones who have RECEIVED Jesus and belong to him. “…But he that is joined unto the Lord is ONE SPIRIT [with him]…” (1 Corinthians 6:17 KJV). “…Because [THEY] ... BELONG to him … (And remember that those who DO NOT have the Spirit of Christ living in them DO NOT BELONG TO HIM at all.)” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).

However, mankind gave up on the relationship by responding independently from God’s Word. [Your] … iniquities (sin) …separated [you]… from God …” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). “… YOUR SINS … cut you off from God…” (Isaiah 59:2 NLT). “…Your INIQUITIES have separated between you and your God…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV).  Through one man SIN entered into the world, and DEATH THROUGH SIN, and so DEATH passed to all men—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). .  “…the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “…There is none righteous, no, not one:” (Romans 3:10 KJV). …There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not…” (Ecclesiastes 7:20 KJV). “…ALL HAVE SINNED and fallen short of the glory of God…” (Romans 3:23).

 “The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to sin. I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate. So I am not the one doing wrong; it is sin living in me that does it.  And I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. I want to do what is right (choose life), but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. …I [am] …a slave to the sin that is … within me. Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin? (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…DEATH passed to all men—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). .  “…the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23 KJV).

Yet, God loved mankind so much he didn’t give up on them and created a WAY to RECONCILE with them. “… [He sent the ] …one … who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT). “…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (SAVES, RECONCILES, RESTORES , AND MAKES YOU WHOLE YOU AGAIN)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV). “…God SHOWED HIS GREAT LOVE FOR US by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:7-9 NLT). God …sent His Son to be the propitiation (substitute, intervention) for our sins.” (1 John 4:10 KJV). “…[God]…sent His Son...” (1 John 4:10 KJV). “…He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life…” (John 3:16 KJV).

“…He [became]… the atoning sacrifice for [y]our sins” (1 John 2:2 NIV). Jesus also became the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29 KJV). Christ …died for sins ONCE for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18 NASB). “…he (Jesus) by the grace of God should taste death for every man…” (Hebrews 3:9 KJV).

God lovingly sent the “last Adam” in Jesus Christ to restore and reconcile the relationship “And so it is written, "The first man Adam was made a living being; the last Adam was made a quickening (life-giving) spirit” (1 Corinthians 15:45 (KJV). “… [He sent the ] …one … who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT). “…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (RECONCILES)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV).

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