Saturday, July 11, 2020


“…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil…” (Jeremiah 13:23 NIV). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).
SCRIPTURE: “…Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil…” (Jeremiah 13:23 NIV). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).

TOPIC DISCUSSION: TO DISCUSS TRUTHS ABOUT BEING A SINNER AND THE SINFUL NATURE THAT IS RARELY TALKED ABOUT. Sinful behaviors learned through the body of flesh and dictated by the senses are developed and practiced to the point they become automatic behaviors that are skillfully performed with little or no thought. Automatic behaviors can be done or performed without conscious knowledge, or fully thinking about them, or independent of the heart and mind. The one doing the automatic behaviors may not be able to explain HOW they did it. Automatic behaviors are so well practiced by the body of flesh, through the senses, that these automatic behaviors are second nature to the ones performing them. “… Be transformed by the renewing of your mind….” (Romans 12:2 KJV). “...letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace...” (Romans 8:5-7 NLT).“…The sinful nature (flesh) wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the [Holy] Spirit wants ...These TWO FORCES are constantly fighting each other, so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions...” (Galatians 5 NLT). SINFUL CONDITIONING done by the body of flesh, through the SENSES is when a lifetime of training, practice, exposure, and shaping become habitual responses, for the SOUL, that continually maintain and sustain the behaviors of the sinful nature. “…The sinful nature (flesh) wants to do evil ... so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions...” (Galatians 5 NLT). THE SOUL is one’s very BEING and is the immaterial self that HOUSES the EMOTIONS, AFFECTIONS, HEART, MIND, conscience, personality, and human will. The heart and mind are interchangeable and can be considered the information centers of the soul. The heart(mind) informs and forms the thoughts. The thoughts command behavior. The heart(mind) of the soul is either influenced by the body of flesh, through the senses, on how to live or the soul is freed to decide, through the indwelling Holy Spirit, how they choose to live. The HEART (mind) of the SOUL is the information center and influences everything from the emotions, to the appetites, to orientations to life, and of course, the thoughts. The heart will glean its information from one or more of the five senses, through the body of flesh, or the indwelling Holy Spirit. If there is NO indwelling Holy Spirit, the heart (mind) has received ALL its information from the five senses through the body of flesh. Everything they say, know, do, believe, feel, model after, become, or don’t become are all dictated by the five senses through the body of flesh. The soul was created to dominate, rule, be blessed, multiply, and be free to make choices, but it is NOW imprisoned by the dictatorship of the senses through the body of flesh. “…keep (guard) thy heart (mind), with all diligence; for out of it are the issues (informational influences) of life…” (Proverbs 4:23 KJV). All behaviors, that mankind displays outwardly, originate from information within the heart(mind). It is … from within, out of the heart(mind) of man(woman), proceed evil thoughts (thoughts that command behavior)…these … come from within, and defile a person (taint them by commanding evil behavior)...” (Mark 7:21-23 KJV). The heart (mind), however, “…is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked…who can know it…” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV).  "…Offspring of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart(mind) the mouth speaks. The good man, out of his good treasure, brings forth good things, and the evil man, out of his evil treasure, brings forth evil things." (Matthew 12:34-35). LET’S LOOK AT THE BODY OF FLESH, THE SOUL, AND THE INDWELLING SPIRIT THROUGH ADAM AND EVE.  GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT SAID: “…of every tree of the garden THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou  SHALT NOT EAT of it; for in THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). THE SERPENT APPEALED TO ONE OR MORE OF THE WOMAN’S SENSES, USING THE BODY OF FLESH. “…The woman [became] ... convinced (THROUGH SOUND) [to eat from the tree, anyway]... She saw (SIGHT) that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked (SIGHT) delicious (TASTE), and she wanted (LUST of the EYES or FLESH) the wisdom (PRIDE of LIFE) it would give her. So she took (TOUCH and EXPERIENCE) some of the fruit and ate it (TASTE)...” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “….She [choose to take (HUMAN WILL)] ... some of the fruit and [eat] ... IT. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and HE ATE IT, too” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). Thus, through [the behavior of one man(woman)] ... sin (transgression against God’s holy command) entered into the world, and [spiritual] ...death through sin, and so (spiritual) death passed to all men (women)—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). “… One sinner (transgressor of God’s holy law) destroy[ed]… MUCH good” (Ecclesiastes 9:18 NASB). Three things happened: 1. They became separated from God. 2. They died spiritually; immediately. 3. They became enslaved to the body of flesh through their SENSES.  Adam and Eve had a body of flesh, a soul, and the Spirit, but the Spirit separated from them and thus, they died spiritually. “….let us make man in our image (SPIRIT), after our likeness (SPIRIT)…” (Genesis 1:26 KJV).  “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “…..God created man in his own image (SPIRIT)...male and female created he them…” (Genesis 1:27 KJV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “….God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Spirit); and man became a living soul (soul)” (Genesis 2:7 KJV). “….let us make man in our image (SPIRIT), after our likeness(SPIRIT)…” (Genesis 1:26 KJV). They were originally created in God’s “image”, which is SPIRIT. “…God is not human …” (Numbers 23:19 NIV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “the Spirit of God dwell in you (dwelt in Adam and Eve)…” (Romans 8:9 KJV). However, they became SEPARATED from the SPIRIT and were left with ONLY the soul and the body of flesh.  Mankind was missing or FELL short of the glory of God (his presence) or was separated from the indwelling Holy Spirit. NOW all humanity is born with the same problem. “…the wages of sin (the payment for having a sin nature) is death (spiritual death)…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “…[Now]... all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born missing or WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). "…That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6 KJV). “….I was born a sinner (I was born without the indwelling Holy Spirit)yes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). Adam and Eve had NOTHING to pass down to their descendants, but the flesh nature. Every soul is a dead soul born, into the world without spiritual life, and trapped within the prison of the body of flesh, which is NOW a totally SINFUL NATURE. The BODY of FLESH, without the indwelling Holy Spirit, can ONLY be a SINFUL NATURE, because it was NOT created to OBEY God. “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    Thus, all of mankind is “…DEAD “IN” trespasses and sin (within the body of flesh or sin nature)...” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). All of mankind is born spiritually DEAD. THE BODY OF FLESH CAN’T OBEY GOD, BECAUSE IT WASN’T CREATED TO OBEY GOD, BUT IT WAS CREATED TO BE A VESSEL AND SERVANT FOR THE SOUL AND SPIRIT TOGETHER. A FORK, BOWL, PLATE, COUCH, COAT, TELEVISION WAS CREATED TO SERVE ITS PURPOSE “ONLY.” THESE THINGS WILL DO “ONLY” WHAT THEY WERE CREATED TO DO AND WILL NOT OBEY OR SERVE ANY OTHER PURPOSE APPROPRIATELY. IF YOU WERE TRAPPED INSIDE A FORK, BOWL, PLATE, COUCH, COAT, OR TELEVISION YOU COULD NOT MAKE THEM OBEY YOU OR GOD. THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE. THE BODY OF FLESH “IS” WHAT IT IS! All of mankind is born“…separated from the LIFE of God…” (Ephesians 4:18 NIV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “…It is the SPIRIT who gives (spiritual) LIFE…” (John 6:63 NASB). Before sinners are SAVED “…[THEY are] ... DEAD in [their]... transgressions and sins (spiritually dead within the sinful nature)…” (Ephesians 2:1 NIV). “…[The redeemed]... were [once]... dead in [their] sins and ... [NOW]…God made [them]... ALIVE with Christ. He forgave [them]… all [their]… sins…” (Colossians 2:13 NIV). God “….made [the redeemed]… ALIVE with Christ when [the redeemed]… were DEAD in transgressions…” (Ephesians 2:5 NIV). Like the prodigal son, “… [THEY were]…. DEAD and [have been made]… ALIVE AGAIN; [they were]… lost and [have been]… found…” (Luke 15:24 NIV). If the redeemed were made “ALIVE AGAIN” it implies they were DEAD. The soul was a DEAD soul. “….God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Spirit); and man became a living soul (soul)” (Genesis 2:7 KJV). Adam and Eve BECAME “LIVING” souls AFTER God breathed into their nostrils the “breath of LIFE.” Spiritually DEAD souls are under the power of the evil one through the body of flesh and the dictates of the senses, which influences them to sin. “…The sin of my SOUL…” (Micah 6:7 KJV). “......I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t ” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT).
1.     HOW DOES A PERSON “LEARN” SINFUL BEHAVIORS? THROUGH THE FLESH AND ITS FIVE SENSES. WHAT DOES SINFUL BEHAVIORS BECOME OVER TIME AND WITH CONSTANT PRACTICE? THEY BECOME “AUTOMATIC BEHAVIORSAUTOMATIC BEHAVIORS BECOME FAMILIAR WAYS OF LIVING ONE’S LIFE. TRUE OR FALSE? TRUE. IN ORDER TO CHANGE ONE’S BEHAVIOR, WHAT NEEDS TO BE RENEWED? A PERSON NEEDS TO RENEW THEIR MINDS(HEARTS). “… Be transformed by the renewing of your mind (HEART)….” (Romans 12:2 KJV). IF YOU DON’T ALLOW THE WORD OF GOD (SPIRIT) TO CONTROL YOUR MIND, THROUGH SPIRITUAL RENEWAL, WHAT WILL CONTROL YOU? THE SINFUL NATURE WILL CONTINUE TO CONTROL YOUR MIND(HEART). “...letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace...” (Romans 8:5-7 NLT). WHAT DOES THE SINFUL NATURE WANT TO DO? THE SINFUL NATURE WANTS TO DO EVIL, THE OPPOSITE OF THE SPIRIT. WHAT PROBLEM WILL THE SINFUL NATURE CAUSE FOR THE CHILD OF GOD? THE SINFUL NATURE WILL HINDER THE CHILD OF GOD FROM LIVING RIGHTEOUS. “…The sinful nature (flesh) wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the [Holy] Spirit wants ...These TWO FORCES are constantly fighting each other, so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions...” (Galatians 5 NLT). THE SINFUL NATURE HAS BEEN CONDITIONED AND ACCUSTOMED TO DOING EVIL; CAN IT HELP THE CHILD OF GOD LIVE RIGHTEOUS? NO. “…The sinful nature (flesh) wants to do evil ... so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions...” (Galatians 5 NLT). “…Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil…” (Jeremiah 13:23 NIV). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).
2.    THE SOUL IS ONE’S VERY BEING AND IS THE IMMATERIAL SELF. WHAT DOES THE SOUL CONSIST OF? THE EMOTIONS, AFFECTIONS, HEART(MIND), CONSCIENCE, PERSONALITY, AND HUMAN WILL. THE HEART(MIND) IS PART OF THE SOUL. What role does the heart(mind) play within the soul? The Heart(mind) plays the role of information center. The heart(mind) informs the thoughts and the thoughts command behavior. “Where” does the heart(mind) get its information from? The heart(mind) gets its information from the natural world. “How” does the heart(mind) get it’s information? Through the sinful nature and its five senses. “what” does the soul do with the information in their heart(mind). The soul uses the information in their heart(mind) to make decisions, determine appetites, regulate orientations to life, inform thoughts, and command behavior. Without the holy spirit, where does “all” the information “in” the heart(mind), of the soul, come from? The natural world. All behaviors that mankind display outwardly originate from information within the heart(mind) of the soul. What does the bible warn about the heart(mind) of the soul? Evil thoughts come out of the heart(mind). The heart(mind) is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. What you say comes from the heart(mind). The evidence of life’s influences come from the heart. It is … from within, out of the heart (mind) of man, proceed evil thoughts (thoughts that command behavior)…these … come from within, and defile a person (taint them through evil behavior)...” (Mark 7:21-23 KJV). The heart, “…is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked…who can know it…” (Jeremiah 17:9 KJV).  "…Offspring of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man, out of his good treasure, brings forth good things, and the evil man, out of his evil treasure, brings forth evil things." (Matthew 12:34-35). “…keep (guard) thy heart, with all diligence; for out of it are the issues (influences) of life…” (Proverbs 4:23 KJV).
3.    Let’s look at the body, soul, and indwelling spirit through adam and eve. What command did god give them in the garden? He instructed them “not” to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. “…of every tree of the garden THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou  SHALT NOT EAT of it; for in THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). HOW DID THE SERPENT APPEAL TO EVE IN ORDER TO INFLUENCE HER TO DISOBEY GOD’S INSTRUCTION? HE USED HER FLESH BY APPEALING TO ONE OR MORE OF HER FIVE SENSES. “…The woman [became] ... convinced (THROUGH SOUND) [to eat from the tree, anyway]... She saw (SIGHT) that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked (SIGHT) delicious (TASTE), and she wanted (LUST of the EYES or FLESH) the wisdom (PRIDE of LIFE) it would give her. So she took (TOUCH and EXPERIENCE) some of the fruit and ate it (TASTE)...” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “….She [choose to take (HUMAN WILL)] ... some of the fruit and [eat] ... IT. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and HE ATE IT, too” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). WHAT HAPPENED AFTER ADAM AND EVE’S TRANSGRESSION AGAINST GOD’S HOLY INSTRUCTION? THE SINFUL NATURE BECAME A PART OF THE WORLD WHEN THEY DIED SPIRITUALLY OR SEPARATED FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT. through [the behavior of one man]... sin (transgression) entered into the world, and [spiritual] ...death through sin, and so death passed to all men (women)—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). “… One sinner (transgressor of God’s holy law) destroy[ed]… MUCH good” (Ecclesiastes 9:18 NASB). THE BIBLE TELLS US HOW MANKIND WAS CREATED. NOW THAT GOD HAD SEPARATED FROM ADAM AND EVE, WHAT WAS MISSING FROM THE SOUL AND BODY? THE BREATHE OF LIFE OR THE HOLY SPIRIT.… [Their] (Eve’s and Adam’s) … iniquities (violation of God’s instructions) … [immediately] … separated [them]… from God…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). “…Every man (or woman) is tempted, when … [they are] … drawn away of his (or her) own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it BRINGETH FORTH SIN: and sin, when it is finished, BRINGETH FORTH DEATH (spiritual death)…” (James 1:13-15 NLT). THAT day “Sin (the violation of God’s instructions) entered into the world, and (spiritual) DEATH through sin, and so (spiritual) DEATH passed to all men(women)—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). “…SIN IS the transgression of the law (violation of God’s instruction)….” (1 John 3:4 KJV). “…The wages of sin is death (spiritual death)…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). “…God asked the woman, “What have you done?” (Genesis 3:7-13 NLT). “… ONE sinner destroy[ed] … MUCH GOOD” (Ecclesiastes 9:18 NASB). “… [They were] …separated … from God… …” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). They were NOW “…DEAD in … sin (imprisoned within the sin nature)…” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). NOW “…All have sinned (been born with ONLY the sin nature) and fallen short of the glory (do the not have the PRESENCE of the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23). “…The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” “Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’” “You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.” The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her ” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “…So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). IMMEDIATELY, Adam, Eve, and ALL of mankind became “…separated from the [Holy, spiritual] LIFE of God…” (Ephesians 4:18 NIV). “…in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). “…At that moment their eyes were opened (to an existence without the indwelling PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit of God)” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT).  “… [They immediately became] … separated from the [Holy, spiritual] LIFE of God…” (Ephesians 4:18 NIV).
4.    GOD MADE MANKIND IN “HIS” IMAGE, WHICH MEANT HE CREATED THEM WITH A BODY, A SOUL, AND HIS SPIRIT: TRUE OR FALSE? TRUE. “….let us make man in our image (SPIRIT), after our likeness (SPIRIT)…” (Genesis 1:26 KJV).  “…..God created man in his own image (SPIRIT)...male and female created he them…” (Genesis 1:27 KJV). “….God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Spirit); and man became a living soul (soul)” (Genesis 2:7 KJV). WITHOUT THE “BREATHE OF LIFE” OR THE SPIRIT IS THE SOUL A “LIVING” SOUL OR “DEAD” SOUL? A DEAD SOUL. WITHOUT THE BREATHE OR LIFE OR SPIRIT IS THE SOUL IS MAN(WOMAN) STILL CREATED “IN” HIS IMAGE? NO. GOD IS SPIRIT. HIS IMAGE IS SPIRIT TOO. “…the body without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV). “….let us make man in our image (SPIRIT), after our likeness(SPIRIT)…” (Genesis 1:26 KJV). “…God is not human …” (Numbers 23:19 NIV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “the Spirit of God dwell in you (dwelt in Adam and Eve)…” (Romans 8:9 KJV). HOWEVER, “…the body without (apart from) the spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV).
5.      IF A PERSON IS “BORN” A SINNER AND THEY HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING GOOD OR BAD YET, WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT A SINNER REALLY IS? IT SAYS A SINNER IS THE MERELY A “FLESH” NATURE, BORN INTO THE WORLD, WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT. "…That which is born of the flesh is flesh” (John 3:6 KJV). “….I was born a sinner (I was born without the indwelling Holy Spirit)yes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). THE WAGES OF SIN OR THE PAYMENT FOR BEING BORN WITH A SINFUL NATURE IS DEATH. WHAT KIND OF DEATH? SPIRITUAL DEATH. “…the wages of sin (the payment for having a sin nature) is death…” (Romans 6:23 KJV). IS EVERY HUMAN BEING BORN WITH A SINFUL NATURE? YES. IS EVERY HUMAN BEING BORN WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT? YES.“…[Now]... all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born missing or WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). THE SINFUL NATURE IS “NOT” GOOD. WHY OR WHY NOT? THERE IS NONE GOOD, BUT GOD. “..…there is none good but one, that is, God” (Nahum 1:7 & Mark 10:18 KJV). Thus, there is NONE good, without God. WHEN THE SOUL AND BODY SEPARATED FROM GOD, WHO IS GOOD, WHAT WAS DESTROYED? MUCH GOOD. “… MUCH GOOD … [was destroyed]” (Ecclesiastes 9:18 NASB). “…the body without (apart from) the [ presence of the Holy] spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV). MUCH GOOD WAS DESTROYED WHEN GOD, WHO IS GOOD BECAME SEPARATED FROM THE BODY AND SOUL. WHAT DOES THE FOLLOWING SCRIPTURE SAY IS TRUE ABOUT THE FLESH OR SINFUL NATURE? THE FLESH OR SINFUL NATURE IS HOSTILE TOWARD GOD, DOES “NOT” OBEY GOD, NEVER DID OBEY GOD, AND NEVER WILL OBEY GOD.“…The ...[flesh OR SINFUL]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    Thus, all of mankind is “…DEAD “IN” trespasses and sin (spiritually dead within the body of flesh or sin nature)...” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6.    Every man or woman is born separated from what? SEPARATED From the spiritual life, which is god. “…separated from the LIFE of God…” (Ephesians 4:18 NIV). “…It is the SPIRIT who gives LIFE…” (John 6:63 NASB). WHY IS MANKIND MERELY SINFUL NATURES? BECAUSE THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DEAD  SOULS IN IMPRISONED WITHIN A SINFUL NATURE.“…[THEY are] ... DEAD in [their]... transgressions and sins (within the sinful nature)…” (Ephesians 2:1 NIV). WHAT DOES THE FOLLOWING SCRIPTURES CONFIRM ABOUT SPIRITUAL DEATH? THAT BEFORE CONVERSION, THE REDEEMED, WERE SPIRITUALLY DEAD SOULS. “…[The redeemed]... were [once]... dead in [their] sins and ... [NOW]…God made [them]... ALIVE with Christ. He forgave [them]… all [their]… sins…” (Colossians 2:13 NIV). God “….made [the redeemed]… ALIVE with Christ when [the redeemed]… were DEAD in transgressions…” (Ephesians 2:5 NIV). Like the prodigal son, “… [THEY were]…. DEAD and [have been made]… ALIVE AGAIN; [they were]… lost and [have been]… found…” (Luke 15:24 NIV). IF MANKIND WAS SPIRITUALLY DEAD AND WERE MADE ALIVE AGAIN, HOW WERE THEY MADE ALIVE AGAIN? THOUGH GOD’S HOLY SPIRIT. “….God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Spirit); and man became a living soul (soul)” (Genesis 2:7 KJV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). “…It is the SPIRIT who gives LIFE…” (John 6:63 NASB).
7.    DOES the bible refer to the soul as a person, a who, or a self? Yes. “...Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore ... for WHOsoever doeth any work therein, THAT SOUL shall be cut off from among his people...” (Exodus 31:14 KJV). “...and souls of men...” (Revelation 18:13 KJV). “.. and man(woman) became a living soul (soul)…” (GENESIS 2:7 KJV). JESUS CAME EARTH TO “SAVE” LOST WHAT? LOST SOULS. “…The Son of man came to seek and to save THAT WHICH WAS LOST…” (Luke 19:10 KJV). “...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (God’s living Word), and thou shalt be saved” (ACTS 16:31 KJV).  “...receive the word ...which is able to save your souls...” (James 1:21 KJV). “...those (people) who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls...” (Acts 2:41 KJV). WHICH KIND OF PERSON IS CONSIDERED “WISE” IN PROVERBS 11:30? THE PERSON THAT WINS SOUL. “...he (she) that winneth SOULS is wise...” (Proverbs 11:30 KJV). “...he (she) who turns a sinner (leads that person to Jesus) from the error of his (her) way will save his(her) soul from death...” (James 5:20 KJV). THE BIBLE CONTINUALLY REFERS TO PEOPLE OR PEOPLES AS SOULS. WHO DO THOSE SOULS ACTUALLY BELONG TO? THEY BELONG TO GOD, LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE. “ were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls...” (1 Peter 2:25 KJV). “...Behold, all souls are Mine (God, the Holy Spirit’s)...” (Ezekiel 18:4 KJV).“…the world is mine, and the fulness thereof…(Psalm 50:12 KJV). “…all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine” (1 Chronicles 29:11 KJV). THE SOUL IS THE SELF. IT IS MALE AND FEMALE, BUT WHAT MAKES THE SOUL A “LIVING SOUL?” THE BREATHE OF LIFE OR THE HOLY SPIRIT. “...male and female created he them …” (Genesis 1:27 KJV). “…And the LORD God .....breathed into his(her) nostrils the breath of life (Holy Spirit)…” (GENESIS 2:7 KJV). “.. and man(woman) became a living soul (soul)…” (GENESIS 2:7 KJV).
READ THIS BEFORE ANSWERING THE NEXT FEW QUESTIONS: The spiritually DEAD souls are imprisoned within the body of flesh and the dictates of the five senses, which are totally influenced by the evil one. “….When you follow the desires (influences) of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. …” (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT). God told Adam and Eve they would “surely die” “... THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV).  “…[Their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God [the Holy Spirit or the breath of LIFE]…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). THEY BOTH DIED SPIRITUALLY AS GOD SAID THEY WOULD. Now every man or woman born, into the world without God’s Holy Spirit, is spiritually dead.  “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). ….I was born a sinneryes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). When God’s Holy Spirit is not present, all of mankind is born with ONLY a body of flesh which is a sinful nature, now, that will not and cannot obey God. ….I was born a sinneryes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).  God is “spiritual life” and anyone separated from God is “…dead in trespasses and sin (IN that sin nature)...” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). ….I was born a sinneryes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). There is an ongoing DEBATE as to what the SINFUL NATURE is and an enduring attitude about why Adam’s GUILT has been PASSED to all of mankind. Adam could only pass on what he had, which was the flesh nature. It wasn’t so much his guilt he passed on to all mankind, but his sinful nature. Sin, is an INNATE CONDITION of the “this” nature which every male and female is born with, because they inherited it from Adam and Eve, but they did NOT inherit the SPIRIT. "…That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit…” (John 3:6 KJV). Adam and Eve could ONLY reproduce what they had become; A BODY of FLESH and a SPIRITUALLY DEAD SOUL. They had DIED spiritually and were SEPARTED from God, the Holy Spirit. Thus, “… all have sinned (been born with a flesh nature), and come short of the glory of God (is born without the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV).  ... [Therefore,] ...through one man sin entered (physical life without the indwelling Holy Spirit entered) into the world, and [spiritual] ...death through sin, and so [spiritual] death passed to all men, for that all sinned (all have been born without the indwelling Holy Spirit]—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). “…All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…” (Romans 3:23). “….I was born a sinner (I was born without the indwelling holy spirit)yes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). If you can be BORN a sinner, then being a sinner is NOT simply what YOU DO or don’t DO, but it is a REALITY of what YOU ARE. “….I was born a sinner yes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).   SINFUL BEHAVIOR is a symptom of what YOU ARE. “….I was born a sinner ….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT).  “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).   “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. …I [am] …a slave to the sin (the symptoms of the flesh nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…For all have sinned (all have the flesh nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). SIX (6) TRUTHS ABOUT THE SINFUL NATURE: 1.The bible tells us that all of humanity are BORN sinners, because of the FLESH nature. “….I was born a sinner ….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT) “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).   
2. All of humanity will become a slave, in one form or another, to the SINFUL BEHAVIORS produced by the FLESH nature. “I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    
3. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit, mankind has NO POWER over the flesh nature. “...Who will free me from this life that is dominated by [the sin nature]?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “... APART FROM [Christ]... you can do nothing  …” (John 15:1-11 NASB).  … [You] … can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth … [you]…” (Philippians 4:13 KJV).“…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).
4. Mankind is left with a flesh nature that ONLY wants to DO EVIL (sin) and CAN ONLY do evil (sin). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…The sinful nature (body) wants to do evil... so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions. …” (Galatians 5 NLT).
5. The sin nature is automatically and naturally hostile toward God and is totally incapable of DOING anything righteous or holy. “…The sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).
6. The sinful nature and the dictates of the senses, trains the lost soul to practice sin and PROVES that mankind is a SLAVE to the EVIL ONE. “…Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16 KJV).
“…SIN is the transgression of the... [Holy] ... law….” (1 John 3:4 KJV).
“…of every tree of the garden THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou  SHALT NOT EAT of it; for in THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). BUT“…The woman [became] ... convinced [to eat from the tree, anyway]... She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it...” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “….She [choose to take] ... some of the fruit and [eat] ... IT. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and HE ATE IT, too” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “.... At that moment their eyes were opened” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT).  At that moment, they transgressed God’s holy law and “…[their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). “…It’s YOUR SINS that … [will] ...cut you off from God…” (Isaiah 59:2 NLT).
8.    ADAM AND EVE WERE BOTH “LIVING SOULS,” BUT WHEN THEY DIED SPIRITUALLY, WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR BODIES? THEIR BODY, WITHOUT THE SPIRIT, IS DEAD TOO.  “…the body without (apart from) the [ presence of the Holy] spirit is dead…” (James 2:26 KJV). CAN THE SPIRITUALLY DEAD SOUL OR THEIR BODY (NOW THE SINFUL NATURE) DO RIGHT OR GOOD? NO. WHY OR WHY NOT? THEY ARE ONLY FINITE HUMANS, WHO CAN NOT DO RIGHT OR GOOD WITHOUT GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT “......I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t ” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  .“…The sin of my SOUL…” (Micah 6:7 KJV).  “…The trouble is with me, for I am all too human, a slave to [the sinful nature]...” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “….Apart from [jesus, the indwelling spirit], [his children]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV). THE SOUL EXIST, BUT IT IS SPIRITUALLY DEAD. THE SOUL IS AN IMPRISONED SLAVE TO THE SINFUL NATURE. ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING VERSE WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT THE SINFUL NATURE? IT IS HOSTILE TOWARD GOD. IT WILL NOT OBEY GOD. THE SINFUL NATURE NEVER HAS OBEYED GOD AND NEVER WILL. “…The sinful nature is always hostile to God. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).“…The sinful nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT THE SOUL WHEN GOD SETS IT FREE FROM THE SINFUL NATURE? THE SOUL IS NO LONGER A PRISONER OF THE SINFUL NATURE; NOR IT IS UNDER ITS CONTROL. “…those who are still under the control of their sinful nature (through the unrenewed MIND(HEART)) can never please God. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). “…you are not controlled by your sinful nature...[ANY MORE]... You are controlled by the Spirit if...[YOU CHOOSE and]... you have the Spirit of God living in you …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). “… (Christ lives within you, so even though your body (sinful nature) will die because of sin, the [indwelling Holy] ... Spirit gives you(SOUL) life because you have been made right with God (reunited with God, the Holy Spirit). The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). “…Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do (through the dictates of your five senses) what your sinful nature urges you to do. For if you live by its dictates, you will die. But if through the power of the Spirit (the indwelling Holy Spirit) you put to death the deeds of your sinful nature, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God (the indwelling Holy Spirit) are children of God…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). HOW DOES THE REDEEMED SOUL “KNOW” WHEN THEY ARE STILL FOLLOWING THEIR SINFUL NATURE? BY THE BEHAVIORS THEY DO THAT ARE NOT RIGHTEOUS OR GOOD AND BY THEIR “LACK” OF SPIRITUAL FRUIT.“….When you follow the desires (influences) of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. …” (Galatians 5:22-23 NLT).“…Ye shall know [those with the indwelling Holy Spirit]… by their fruits…” (Matthew 7:16 KJV). GOD GAVE ADAM AND EVE A HOLY COMMANDMENT AND IF THEY BROKE THAT COMMANDMENT WHAT DID HE SAY WOULD HAPPEN? THEY WOULD SURELY DIE. DID THEY DIE PHYSICALLY? NO. WHAT KIND OF DEATH WAS IT? THEY DIED SPIRITUALLY.  “... THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). WHAT IS SPIRITUAL DEATH? SEPARATION FROM GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT.  “…[Their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God [the Holy Spirit or the breath of LIFE]…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV).
9.  WHY IS EVERY MALE AND FEMALE, BORN INTO THE WORLD, CALLED A SINNER OR IS SAID TO HAVED “SINNED,” BUT HAVEN’T DONE ANY RIGHT OR WRONG YET? IT IS NOT WHAT THEY DO OR DON’T DO, IT IS THE SINFUL NATURE, WHICH “ONLY” HAS A PROCLIVITY TO AND FOR SIN.  “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sin nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). ….I was born a sinneryes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). “…The ...[flesh OR SINFUL NATURE]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). SOME PEOPLE SAY, “I’M NOT A SINNER. I’M A GOOD PERSON.” HOWEVER, THEY DON’T HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN THEM. ARE THEY RIGHT OR ARE THEY “STILL” SINNERS ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE? THEY ARE “STILL” SINNERS.  “…dead in trespasses and sin (IN that sin nature)...” (Ephesians 2:1 KJV). “…The ...[flesh OR SINFUL]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).    “…For all have sinned (all have been born with a sinful nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). ….I was born a sinneryes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT). “…[YOU ARE] ... Saved by grace (unmerited favor) through faithNOT OF YOURSELVES ... not of works (OF THE flesh OR SINFUL NATURE), that no man should glory…” (Ephesians 2:8-9 ASV). “…God, in his grace, freely MAKES US RIGHT [again] in his sight…” (Romans 3:21-26 NLT). “…Christ hath REDEEMED us (RELEASED you from the prison of sin (from your sinful nature)That the “BLESSING of Abraham” might come on … [US] … through Jesus Christ; that WE MIGHT receive the promise of the [holy] Spirit through faith (trusting and depending upon God)…” (Galatians 3:13-14 KJV). “… AS MANY as received him (JESUS, his word), to them GAVE HE … [BACK] … POWER (The INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT) TO BECOME THE “SONS” (“DAUGHTERS” or children) OF GOD… [AGAIN]… …” (John 1:12 KJV). “…God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son “INTO” [THEIR]… HEARTS…” (Galatians 4:6 NASB).
10.              SINFUL BEHAVIOR COMES FROM AN Innate condition of the sinful nature. Did adam and eve pass down their sins or their nature to their children? They passed down their sinful nature. "…That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit…” (John 3:6 KJV). A SINNER IS A PERSON BORN WITH A SINFUL NATURE AND WITHOUT WHAT? WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. “… all have sinned (been born with a sinful nature), and come short of the glory of God (is born without the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). ... [Therefore,] ...through one man (woman) sin entered (physical life without the indwelling Holy Spirit entered) into the world, and [spiritual] ...death through sin, and so [spiritual] death passed to all men (women), for (because of) that all (have) sinned (all have been born without the indwelling Holy Spirit]—“(Romans 5:12 KJV). “…All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…” (Romans 3:23). “….I was born a sinner (I was born without the indwelling holy spirit)yes, from the moment my mother conceived me….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT).
11. Why is being a sinner what you are by nature versus what you do or don’t do? People are born, into the world, a sinner, because of who they are by nature. “….I was born a sinner ….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT).  WHY CAN A PERSON BE CALLED A “SINNER” BEFORE THEY’VE DONE ANYTHING RIGHT OR WRONG? THEY ARE BORN PRISONERS OF THE SINFUL NATURE AND THE SINFUL NATURE “ONLY” KNOWS HOW TO SIN. IT WILL CONTROL THE SOUL TO DO THE SAME THING. “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).   “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. …I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…For all have sinned (all have the sinful nature)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). “…all have ... come short of the glory of God (all are born WITHOUT the indwelling Holy Spirit)…” (Romans 3:23 KJV). LET’S GO OVER SOME TRUTHS ABOUT THE SINFUL NATURE. IS ALL OF HUMANITY BORN A SINNER OR WITH A SINFUL NATURE? YES, THEY ARE. “….I was born a sinner ….” (Psalms 51:5 NLT)."…That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit…” (John 3:6 KJV). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT).   
12. WILL EVERY SOUL, BORN INTO A SINFUL NATURE, BE A SLAVE TO THAT NATURE? YES, THE SOUL HAS NO CHOICE, IT WILL BE A SLAVE TO THE SINFUL NATURE. I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). WHO CAN FREE THE SOUL FROM SLAVERY TO THE SINFUL NATURE? JESUS CHRIST CAN. “...Who will free me from this life that is dominated by [the sin nature]?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “... APART FROM [Christ]... you can do nothing  …” (John 15:1-11 NASB).  … [You] … can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth … [you]…” (Philippians 4:13 KJV).“…The ...[flesh]... nature ...never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.…” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). WHAT IS THE ONLY THING THE SINFUL NATURE “WANTS” TO DO? IT ONLY WANTS TO DO EVIL. “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…The sinful nature (body) wants to do evil... so you are not FREE to carry out your good intentions. …” (Galatians 5 NLT). WHAT IS THE SINFUL NATURE “ALWAYS” TOWARD GOD? HOSTILE. “…The sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. …” (Romans 8:1-14 NLT). WHEN THE SOUL YIELDS TO THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE SINFUL NATURE WHAT DOES IT DEMONSTRATE? IT DEMONSTRATES THAT SOUL IS A SLAVE TO THE SINFUL NATURE. “…Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16 KJV). WHAT WILL THE SINFUL NATURE CAUSE A SOUL TO DO? SIN AND TRANSGRESS GOD’S HOLY INSTRUCTIONS. “…SIN is the transgression of the... [Holy] ... law….” (1 John 3:4 KJV).
13. DID ADAM AND EVE TRANSGRESS GOD’S HOLY LAW? YES. WHAT DID THEY DO? THEY ATE FROM THE FORBIDDEN TREE. WERE THEY FORCED TO EAT FROM IT OR DID THEY CHOOSE TO EAT FROM IT? THEY CHOSE. “…of every tree of the garden THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou  SHALT NOT EAT of it; for in THE DAY THAT THOU EATEST thereof THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). BUT“…The woman [became] ... convinced [to eat from the tree, anyway]... She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it...” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). “….She [choose to take] ... some of the fruit and [eat] ... IT. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and HE ATE IT, too” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT). WHEN THEY CHOSE TO EAT FROM THE FORBIDDEN TREE, THEIR EYES WERE OPENED. WHAT MAJOR THING HAD CHANGED? THEY DIED SPIRITUALLY AND BECAME SEPARATED FROM GOD.“.... At that moment their eyes were opened” (Genesis 3:1-7 NLT).  At that moment, they transgressed God’s holy law and “…[their] ...INIQUITIESseparated … [them from] ... God…” (Isaiah 59:2 KJV). “…It’s YOUR SINS that … [will] ...cut you off from God…” (Isaiah 59:2 NLT).“…SIN is the transgression of the... [Holy] ... law….” (1 John 3:4 KJV). ADAM AND EVE DIED SPIRITUALLY AND BECAME SEPARATED FROM GOD. WERE THEIR CHILDREN BORN SPIRITUAL DEAD TOO? YES, THEY WERE ALL BORN SPIRITUALLY DEAD TOO. “... When Adam sinned (chose to transgress God’s Holy law), sin (the enslaving symptoms of the flesh nature) entered the world. Adam’s sin (transgression) brought [spiritual] ... death (separation from God, the Holy Spirit). “... THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). “ [spiritual] ... death (physical existence without God) spread to everyone...” (Romans 5:10-16 NLT). WHAT DID JESUS DO TO HELP THE IMPRISONED SOUL? HE CAME TO FREE THE SOUL FROM THE PRISON OF THE SINFUL NATURE. “...  there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought [spiritual] death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. And the result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God (being restored, reunited with the Holy Spirit again), even though we are guilty of many sins..[through the sinful nature]. For the sin (transgression of God’s holy law) of this one man, Adam, caused [spiritual]...death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ...” (Romans 5:10-16 NLT). “…, my righteous servant (Jesus) ... [made]... it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins…” (Isaiah 53:11 NLT). “… [He sent the ] …one … who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT). WHAT DOES JESUS DO FOR THE LOST SOUL? WHEN A LOST SOUL CHOSES TO ACCEPT JESUS INTO THEIR HEARTS, HE MAKES THE SOUL WHOLE AGAIN, THROUGH RECONCILIATION WITH GOD’S, HOLY SPIRIT.“…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (SAVES, RESTORES , AND MAKES YOU WHOLE YOU AGAIN)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV). IS THE SOUL FREED TO LIVE RIGHT AND DO GOOD? YES, THE SOUL IS FREE, INDEED! “…Who will free me from this life that is dominated by SIN (including idolatrous practices)? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord …(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “…[WHEN]...the Son (jesus)... [makes]... you free, (THEN)[are]... free indeed …” (John 8:36 KJV). “…I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27 KJV). “…The things which are impossible with men are possible with God…” (Luke 18:27 KJV). “… THE LORD … is Your rock and Your fortress, your deliverer…” (Psalms 18:3 NASB). “[are]... free indeed …” (John 8:36 KJV).“...christ set you]... free…” (John 8:36 KJV).“… Be not conformed to this world...[any longer].” (Romans 12:2 KJV). be conformed to the image of his Son…” (ROMANS 8:29 KJV). “... It was for freedom that Christ set us free not be subject again to a yoke of slavery...” (Galatians 5:1 NASB).
14. THE SOUL WAS ENSLAVED TO SIN. IT WAS UNABLE TO CHOOSE RIGHT OR GOOD, BECAUSE THE SINFUL NATURE CONTROLLED EVERYTHING THEY DID. GOD HAS FREED THE SOUL AND TELLS THE SOUL NOT TO GET ENTANGLED AGAIN WITH WHAT? THE YOKE OF BONDAGE. “... Stand fast (keep enduring) therefore in the liberty (freedom from sin and freedom to OBEY) wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage...” (Galatians 5:1 KJV). WHEN JESUS CHRIST FREES THE SOUL, IS IT ANY LONGER A SLAVE TO THE SINFUL NATURE? NO, IT IS NOT. I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil…” (Jeremiah 13:23 NIV). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).“...Who will free me from this life that is dominated by [the sin nature that is accustom  `med to doing evil]?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “…The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord…(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  IS THE SOUL THAT HAS ACCEPTED JESUS INTO THEIR HEART FREED FROM SIN? YES, THEY ARE FREE INDEED. “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you SHALL be free indeed…” (John 8:36 KJV). CAN THE REDEEMED SOUL, FREELY CHOOSE, TO LIVE FREE AS LONG AS THEY ARE RECONCILED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST? YES, THEY CAN.“….Apart from [the indwelling spirit],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).   “…I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me…” (Philippians 4:13 KJV). …Godworks in you TO WILL and TO ACT in order to fulfill his good purpose…” (Philippians 2:13 NIV). God ... does the work IN and THROUGH all of us who are his. The HOLY SPIRIT DISPLAYS God’s power THROUGH each of us … (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 NLT).… The God of peace … that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip[s] you with everything good for doing his will ” (Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV). “…GOD IS SPIRIT…” (John 4:24 KJV). the Spirit of God dwell in you…” (Romans 8:9 KJV). “…Christ in you, …” (Colossians 1:27 KJV). … The God of peace … that great Shepherd of the sheep…work[s] in [you]… what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ” (Hebrews 13:20-21 NIV).
;LAST THOUGHTS: “…SIN is the transgression of the... [Holy] ... law….” (1 John 3:4 KJV). “... When Adam sinned (chose to transgress God’s Holy law), sin (the enslaving symptoms of the flesh nature) entered the world. Adam’s sin (transgression) brought [spiritual] ... death (separation from God, the Holy Spirit). “... [THOU SHALT SURELY DIE…” (Genesis 2:16-17 KJV). “ [spiritual] ... death (physical existence without God) spread to everyone...” (Romans 5:10-16 NLT). “...  there is a great difference between Adam’s sin and God’s gracious gift. For the sin of this one man, Adam, brought [spiritual] death to many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of forgiveness to many through this other man, Jesus Christ. And the result of God’s gracious gift is very different from the result of that one man’s sin. For Adam’s sin led to condemnation, but God’s free gift leads to our being made right with God (being restored, reunited with the Holy Spirit again), even though we are guilty of many sins..[through the sin nature]. For the sin (transgression of God’s holy law) of this one man, Adam, caused [spiritual]...death to rule over many. But even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ...” (Romans 5:10-16 NLT).“…, my righteous servant (Jesus) ... [made]... it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins…” (Isaiah 53:11 NLT). “… [He sent the ] …one … who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus…” (1 Timothy 2:5 NLT).“…Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (SAVES, RESTORES , AND MAKES YOU WHOLE YOU AGAIN)…” (Acts 9:34 KJV). “... It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm (enduring) and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery...” (Galatians 5:1 NASB). Adam and Eve were both, originally, MADE whole, but HAD the FREEDOM of choice. My son, Oshawn, said, the only choice they HAD, because SIN was “NOT” an issue, was to OBEY. You are ALSO made whole again and HAVE the FREEDOM of CHOICE to OBEY. Therefore, “... Stand fast (keep enduring) therefore in the liberty (freedom from sin and freedom to OBEY) wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage...” (Galatians 5:1 KJV). YOU HAVE BEEN FREED FROM SIN AND FREED TO OBEY. HOWEVER, YOU CAN “STILL” FREELY CHOOSE TO BECOME ENTANGLED AGAIN WITH THE YOKE OF BONDAGE, BY PRACTICING and LIVING A SINFUL, LIFESTYLE!  YOU LIVE and PRACTICE a SINFUL LIFESTYLE, NOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO (YOU ARE FREE FROM SIN), BUT BECAUSE YOU “CHOOSE” TO!! I [am] …a slave to the sin (nature) (Romans 7:14-25 NLT). “…Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil…” (Jeremiah 13:23 NIV). “...I want to do what is right, but I can’t(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).“...Who will free me from this life that is dominated by [the sin nature that is accustomed to doing evil]?” (Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “…The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord…(Romans 7:14-25 NLT).  “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you SHALL be free indeed…” (John 8:36 KJV). “….Apart from [the indwelling spirit],.. [you]… can do nothing…” (John 15:5 NIV).  

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