Thursday, January 7, 2016




"To know......the only true God and Jesus Christ....." (John 17:3).

Second, creation happened, “…..God created man in his own image…..male and female created he them (Genesis 1:27).
Details tell us that “….God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7).
God spoke everything else into existence, yet he personally decided to shape or mold man with his own loving, gentle hands.  
Man was God’s special creation above all other creations. We have read or heard we are “…fearfully (reverently) and wonderfully…” made as one of God’s truly marvelous works (Psalm 139:14). 
To top it off, God literally breathed life into man by infusing his divine Spirit and all that it embodies into Adam. Wow, what an awesome moment!
At this time in history, man was both divine and human. God looked lovingly at man and was pleased to see his own image.
Just like a couple’s newborn child would reflect the image of both mother and father fused together. They are happy to point out all the ways in which the child shares their image.

In addition, predestined in the creation of Adam was God’s idea of a future mate for Adam. A couple’s new born child, in the future, may already be predestined to have one or more grandchildren.
In Adam, a human relationship (marriage) reflective of the new relationship between God and man had been predestined.
GENESIS 2:18-22
We witness God’s predestined plan when he says to Adam, “…it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make …a helpmeet [relationship] for him” (Genesis 2:18).
God’s predestined plan become manifested when God puts Adam in “…a deep sleep…..[takes] one of his ribs …..[and makes him] a [physical] woman, and …[brings] her [to him]” (Genesis 2:21-22).
At this point, the two greatest commandments (not yet spoken or known) naturally enter into the creation story, “…..Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these(Mark 12:28-31).
MARK 12:28-31

What we see in creation is not only the first relationship between God and man, but also the first relationship with between man and woman (God and Adam; Adam and Eve).
Just like Adam, God predestined YOU, the believer “….according to His purpose….”
Third, “God blessed them...”(Genesis 1:28a). Being blessed by God means: he intends to give sufficient gifts and caregiving to man, in a servant-type presentation, out of his love and respect for them.  
“Blessing” in Hebrew, according to Strong’s concordance, is berakah and means gift, peace, prosperity, or to bestow happiness and promise one’s well-being. “…God blessed them…” as he still blesses each believer today.
When a child is born the couple is ready to serve their needs, care generously for them, and bless them.
Newborn babies usually have so many gifts and blessings they never even know about them all.
They are instinctly aware of and become naturally attached to their caregivers - who supply their every need. 
With God, his blessings and personal nurturing assures believers that he is their caregiver and the one providing for their every need: “…and my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus…” (Philippians 4:19).
Therefore, with blessings come the riches of Godly favor, which is realized as we grow in obedience to His word.
Blessings are fully experienced throughout the “oneness” relationship with God through faith and obedience.
Manifold blessings are readily available when God and man and man and woman are joined together in the proper Godly relationships.
 Children are usually happy in loving and healthy environments. When proper parenting is demonstrated, usually all is well in the child’s world.
When a child is in right standing with their parents, they normally enjoy uninterrupted blessings.

Fourth, God desires for his children to “…. be fruitful …. multiply…. fill the earth …. Subdue the earth …. and … have dominion..” (Genesis 1:28).
God, out of his awesome love, designs a purpose for mankind through the same kind of directives he gave Adam.
These directives were God’s plan and destiny for Adam’s life on earth. His intention was for Adam (Eve) to enjoy filling the earth with habitation through procreation, to enjoy cultivating it, enjoy making it prosperous, enjoy taking authority, and to rule over it on a daily basis.
God made Adam (Eve) and YOU for a purpose. Solomon solidifies these directives from God when he says we are to find satisfaction in our purposes, destinies, labors and tasks because they, “…..[are] a gift of God…” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13).
In Genesis, God was the sole provider and caregiver in this relationship and he didn’t begrudge his responsibilities toward man.
 His provision included the whole earth (animals, herbs, vegetation, etc. ;), a luscious home (the Garden of Eden), increase in family (through the fruit of the womb), purpose (subduing the earth), and authority (dominion) over his stuff.
There were many benefits of God’s provisional blessings, such as constant and ongoing love, peace, goodness, kindness, laughter, health, prosperity, soul satisfaction, contentment, safety, righteousness, and holiness.
JAMES 1:17
Believers enjoy those same blessings when they become aware that “….every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…..” (James 1:17). 
Provision is the way God lets his creation know what they mean to him and how deeply they are loved.
God has a commandment that says, “… anyone who does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). 
Nothing says “I love you” or “you are meaningful to me” as one who lovingly provides for YOU.
God is the ultimate provider, emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, and financially, in all YADA relationships.
Finally, “….God saw everything he had made……[and] it was very good” (Genesis 1:31).  
There were no flaws at all in anything God created. God was happy with his creation and was looking forward to sharing an “oneness” relationship with Adam and Eve.
God didn’t create man out of a personal need; He simply wanted to LOVE them. Again, God does NOT “need” you; He simply wants to love you.
Just like a healthy couple wants a child to love. Once the child is born, the couple feels a sense of satisfaction and completion.
God said “…it was… good” and the creation of man (Adam & Eve) was what made it all…..extremely (very) good! 
The establishment of the relationship between God and man was the crowning glory of all his creation. “…it was very good….” (Genesis 1:31).  


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