Friday, April 8, 2016


A big relationship faux pas is thinking that men have no emotional investment in their relationships with women. According to research the emotional ability of men and women are the same, but how they express them is different. 

The Good Book directs both men and women to love each other and thus he gave them both what they needed to carry out the proper emotions. Men “having” emotions may not be the issue as much as feeling emotionally safe with someone enough to trust them with those emotions.

Trusting someone with your emotions is built over a period of time. Being emotionally safe with someone has nothing to do with gender; as much as it has to do with one person trusting another person with something as precious as their deepest feelings. 

Emotions are like precious treasures and should be shared with someone who will value them. A man or woman will gladly open their hearts to a person they feel is SAFE. 

Society has a tendency to think that men are different emotionally than women, but they are only different in expression. The level or depth in which they are able to feel love or experience deep emotions is equal to that of a woman’s. And men need to inform women of their emotions and break the negative image.

Their hearts and emotions are at risk just like a woman's when they become emotionally involved. Every man is not emotionally dangerous and every woman is not emotionally safe. If you want your man or woman to open up to you, you must ask yourself: AM I SAFE? CAN I BE TRUSTED WITH ANOTHER PERSON’S DEEPEST EMOTIONS? 

Men are often trapped by the stereotypes that society has placed on them. Yes, they are physically different, but men are often treated emotionally unfair because of their group membership. And yes their emotional expression is different; just as a woman’s logical expression is said to be different, but it doesn’t mean men do not have emotions or women do not have logic. Don’t prejudge a man’s emotional ability just because he’s a man, but try to understand emotional expression from his point of view and experiences.

Even the most masculine man will risk his emotions on a woman he feels SAFE expressing his love to. One man said: "There is nothing greater than being able to lay your emotions safely inside the heart of the one you love."  MEN AND THEIR EMOTIONS SEEK SAFETY JUST LIKE WOMEN AND THEIR EMOTIONS.

                                         Dr. Pensacola Helene Jefferson

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