Wednesday, March 16, 2016



                                           TRANSFORMING INTIMACY

“…Life eternal [is to] know … the only true God and Jesus Christ….” (John 17:3).


The hardest part of writing this book is realizing and accepting how truly intimate and attached God chooses to be with each of his children. First I researched human attachment in order to have a stepping stone to understanding the supernatural attachment we are to experience with God.  Human attachment begins in infancy and is usually experienced between a baby and its primary caregiver. 
There are many theories and explanations offered by psychologists and professionals regarding attachment which can be summed in a few words: attachment is simply the intangible ties that connect and bind one person to another. With healthy human attachment this connection and bond grows and lasts throughout one’s life. 
However, the strength of that attachment may loosen, weaken, or fade over time with either one or both of the attached parties. One particular thing stands out in human attachment which is the desire for one or both parties to be constantly in each other’s presence. In psychology we have come to believe John Bowlby is the “father of attachment theory” and it’s true. 
Bowlby does offer a model for understanding the psychology connection and bond regarding human attachment.  Bowlby posits that connections and bonds formed in childhood attachments will impact an individual’s relationships with others, one way or another, throughout their lifetime. 
Bowlby also suggests that human attachment consists of four important components: proximity, safety, security, and separation suffering. In other words, the two parties like to stay close to each other, they feel safe with each other, when they are apart, they feel secure about each other, and when separated one or both may feel some stress or anxiety. 
However, when healthy human attachments thrive, strengthen, and flourish, the two parties can enjoy different exploits and emotional well-being as they engage in many of life’s endeavors. What is unique about human attachments, especially when one of the parties is an infant, is how the baby derives comfort and peace simply in the presence of the caregiver alone. Somewhere along the line, the ability to humanly attach to another is severely damaged and it is almost impossible to find someone special who you can feel peaceful, safe, and comforted in their presence.
 Without feeling safe and soothed by another individual’s presence alone; attachment is more a fantasy than a reality. Attachment is highly related to intimacy since attachment determines how well you connect and bond with other people. The infant and caregiver attachment, unfortunately, initiates your ability to be intimate in all other relationships going forward. Just like there are healthy human attachments there are unhealthy ones too. If you look at the various human attachments it may help you to understand why you can’t fully experience the spiritual “One Spirit” attachment God has for you. 
God offers a depth of intimacy, which many believers cannot embrace or enjoy, because their earlier connections and bonds were so remiss. Babies come into the world with a set of established attachment senses, which enable them to form attachments with one or more caregivers. God created these infants, with established attachment senses, in order to connect and bond in a healthy manner, This period of attachment, between the infant and caregiver, is critical and without it the ability to be intimate is highly impaired.  
 Further, in this period, how the caregiver responds or doesn’t respond to the needs of the infant teaches him or her how to attach to them and to others. For instance, the infant either learns to trust and feel safe that his or her needs will be met or learns not to trust nor feel safe that their needs will be met. In the first scenario intimacy thrives and in the second intimacy dies. Further, in the second scenario, the infant does not attach, connect, or bond to their caregiver and thus will not truly attach, connect, or bond in future relationships. 
The infant’s needs were not met by their caregiver and this lack guides their ability or inability to feel, think, or expect healthy attachment responses from anyone. Thus a pattern of healthy or unhealthy intimacy is established. According to psychology, there are four types of attachments: a secure one where the infant’s needs are met in a balanced way; an avoidant one were the infant’s needs are met here and there; an ambivalent one where the infant’s needs are met in an imbalance way; and a disorganized one where the infant’s needs are met with abuse. 
Thus you have people who have decent attachments with others and those who have disastrous attachments. What this tells us is that the attachment styles we learned when we were children, we relive them over and over again in our relationships with others. 
The established attachment senses God created you with, as an infant, have either been lost altogether or so damaged you only have an inkling of what they might have been. Human attachments often destroy the original God-given ability to connect and bond with others. Too many people, believers too, because of unhealthy attachments and the inability to be truly intimate, depend upon no one, but themselves. 
This lack of attachment to others was the way they learned to survive without the connections and bonds they were supposed to have initially with their primary caregivers. In these cases, they learned to take care of their own needs from an infant and no one else. 
In addition, they may have issues with trust, hate their own neediness, are controlling, prideful, and will find attachment to things more satisfying than attachment to people. Even though those with secure human attachments have a better opportunity in relating to others than those who don’t, sin still somehow impacts their ability to be intimate by God’s holy standard. 
However, God is in the restoration business and can renew your ability to experience true intimacy no matter how you started. God is your caregiver now and plans on meeting every need from this point on. He is ever present and will NEVER leave ever or forsake you. 
You can rest and finally be secure in his attachment to you. God is not simply close to you, but you are now “One Spirit” with him: an undivided whole. May God’s love restore your ability to experience true intimacy through his TRANSFORMING INTIMACY with him,

Dr. Pensacola H. Jefferson

YADA Counseling Ministry

Colton’s Point, Maryland

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